英语 & 社会研究
本课程旨在让学生对美国文学的一些主要作品和作者有一个概览. 学生将通过个人和小组项目发展文学分析技能,以及书面写作技能,包括叙述和说明文写作, creative and descriptive writing and applied 文学 analysis. 文学包括 的坩埚 阿瑟·米勒, 临终前的一课 作者:欧内斯特·J. 盖恩斯,The Things They Carried 作者:蒂姆·奥布莱恩.
This semester focuses on the writing process. 学生将写各种各样的文章,展示对写作过程的理解, expository and narrative composition and creative writing. Projects will combine writing, 组织和理解能力与创造力,突出分析和理解的想法, 问题和事件. 写作作业和论文的目的是扩大学生的文学分析能力, expository writing and creative expression.
This course is designed to build on skills previously learned in ninth 年级 英语. Building on the foundation students already possess, the class focuses on the development of 文学 analysis and the writing process. Students will read a variety of 文学 including, 短篇小说, 小说, 非小说类, 诗歌 and 戏剧 to develop literary skills. Comprehension will be gained through class discussions, individual and group projects, 以及书面分析. Emphasis will be placed on preparing students for the CAHSEE exam. 该课程遵循加州10年级内容标准,分为四个不同的部分:诗歌, 戏剧, 非虚构和虚构. Each section will feature reading selections, 旨在提高和发展整体阅读理解和写作技能的作文和项目. 文学包括, but is not limited to, 推销员之死 阿瑟·米勒, 安提戈涅 在索福克勒斯,十二怒汉 作者:雷金纳德·罗斯 快餐之国 作者:Eric Schlosser 杀死一只知更鸟 哈珀·李.
In 11th 年级, 学生在美国文学的历史流派和文学传统的背景下扩展和应用先前在较早年级针对的知识. 以书面形式, 他们的工作与文本结构,如传记叙事和回应文学利用主要和次要来源.
Given that this is a senior level course, 主要的重点将放在为学生准备大学水平的课程和成功. Time- management and personal responsibility are critical components of this class. 本课程概述了来自世界各地的古代和现代文学作品. 除了, 学生将探索所研究的每个国家/地区的历史和习俗,以及文学如何反映每个独特的文化. Comprehension will be gained through class readings and discussions, individual and group projects 以及书面分析. Literary concepts and styles of writing will be explored.
本课程分为五个部分,每个部分反映一个不同的地理区域. Each section will feature reading selections, 旨在提高和发展整体阅读理解和写作技能的作文和项目. Reading selections will be taken from 文学 anthologies and from assigned 小说. Examples of selections are Oedipus Rex, Beowulf, Kaffir Boy 马克·马萨巴内著; 巴尔扎克and The Little Chinese Mistress 作者:戴思杰 光环 Carlos Fuentes著.
This course builds on the student’s writing, reading and comprehension. 我们将特别注意如何使学生从语法规则的功能性应用转向将这些规则应用于更高级的段落技巧, essay and research writing. 该课程将回顾编辑的基础知识,如片段,运行和识别词性. 此外, through the incorporation of masterpiece sentences and detailed revisions, attention will be paid to creating more complex and interesting written work. Students will begin to understand and develop their own writing style. Complementing the emphasis on writing skills, the course will use fiction, 传记, 诗歌, 戏剧和非小说类培养对重要语言艺术技能的理解,并确定如何通过各种类型的写作来传达主题和思想. 本课程与计算机素养课程重叠,以便学生练习将技术应用于写作和研究过程. 文学包括, but is not limited to, 人与鼠 欧内斯特·海明威, 罗密欧与朱丽叶 by William Shakespeare, and 外来者 的年代.E. 辛顿.
这门英语速成课程为学生提供了使用复杂文学手法的机会, to apply higher-level thinking skills, and to read more demanding 文学. 速度, 深度和独立工作要求为在以前的英语课程中表现出色的学生提供了更具挑战性的课程. Written assignments will be of a more extensive and analytical nature. 除了英语12年级的阅读要求外,学生还将阅读诸如我在伊朗长大 作者:Marjane Satrapi; Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time 马克·哈登著; 的弱者 作者:Mariano Azuela 燃烧的平原 文/胡安·鲁尔福.
本课程的目的是学习世界各地的不同文化,并认识到文化的影响, 周围的环境, and institutions to help students define themselves in relation to others. Our main focus will be on Ancient India, 中国古代, 拜占庭帝国, 俄罗斯, 东非, 蒙古帝国, 明代, 韩国和日本. Students learn about the Indus Valley Civilization, Ancient Chinese Life and Culture, 俄罗斯的崛起, and the Dynasties of 韩国和日本.
This course is an introduction of geography. Students will learn about the importance of geography as we look at our solar system, our planet and our country. 学生还将学习其他国家的地理知识,如拉丁美洲和欧洲, and how the different aspects of geography affect us in our every day lives. 学生将完成一个关于他们选择的国家的研究项目,并在课堂上做一个报告.
Students study major turning points that shaped the modern world, from the late eighteenth century through the present, including the cause and course of the two world wars. 他们追溯民主思想的兴起,并发展对当前世界问题的历史根源的理解, especially as they pertain to international relations. 培养学生对当前世界问题的理解,并将其与历史问题联系起来, 地理, 政治, 经济, 以及文化背景. 学生考虑事件的多种说法,以便从不同的角度理解国际关系. 学生学习广泛的主题,从第一文明开始,以当代西方世界结束, Africa and The Middle East.
英语11/U.S. 历史双周期允许学生探索跨两个学科领域的联系. 通过将这些课程作为一个整体来教授,学生们将历史文献作为文学文献来研究. They explore 文学 as a reflection of history, reading speeches by the founders, autobiographies of major American figures and literary commentaries such as 的坩埚. Then, students use writing to explain, interpret and analyze events. Much of the learning is project based. 例如, 其中一个项目要求学生比较大萧条时期的媒体和讽刺与当前经济衰退时期的媒体和讽刺. 学生们制作演示文稿并撰写摘要,向他们的同龄人讲授导致内战的重大事件. 另一个项目是让学生成为记者,记录二战的视频和文字记录. 学生们以一篇关于美国现代史上的重大事件或问题的研究论文结束这一年. The course allows a more holistic approach to content and competencies.
本课程涵盖1900年至今影响美国的重要事件. During the year students discuss our country’s beginnings, 我们民主理想的发展和实施,以及美国对当今世界的全球影响. Students will acquire the ability to evaluate historical evidence, make comparative analysis, and to develop sound historical arguments based on the use of factual evidence. Examples of topics covered are Colonization, 南北战争, Native American Culture, The Industrial Revolution, 第一次和第二次世界大战, 水门事件, 冷战, and The War on Terrorism.
Students concentrate on the principles of micro and macro 经济s. They examine the theories which underpin the US 经济 model including supply; demand; the effect of taxes on supply and demand; opportunity cost; market inequalities and externalities; budgeting and forecasting; entrepreneurship; labor markets; the stock market; international trade; the intersection of politics and economy; and most importantly, responsible money management and budgeting.
This class surveys the institutions and fundamentals of American government. The course looks at the foundations of democratic systems, the evolution and practice of checks and balances, an in depth look at each of the three branches, an examination of the constitution, and the process of making and changing public policy. By investigating and evaluating current events, students will become participants in a democratic government. 除了, 文学, 电影, 艺术将被纳入课堂,以使事实和环境生动起来, themes and issues of the class.